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STEVE GOODING 23 5'11" 188 lbs. Born at Barbados, British West Indies, he entered the U.S. Navy at 17. Has always been active in various phases of physical culture. In an unofficial competition he once broadjumped 11 ft 2.75 inches, breaking what was then the world's record. He was the boxing champion of his highschool. Has made his home in Hollywood because he hopes to be an actor and is currently attending dramatics school. Has also ballroom dancing. At the time these photos were taken he was

token Ballet and exhibly les YMCA 3 times a week, two and a half hours each workout.

working out at the of miniatures of Steve (YB13 pp 6,7,8,9) at 40c displaying dozens of poses of which larger copies can be ordered. AMG's address: 1834 W 11th St LA 6, Calif. AMG offers 4 pages of




EQUAL! That all men should be provided equal opportunities and that racial background is not an accurate basis for determining a man's individual worth no good American will dispute, but in all fairness to observable fact we must admit that many individuals within a given group will differ radically in both their mental and physical potentials. When a gym, equipment or pill seller attempts to persuade the public that each of them can attain the perfection of a Mr. America he is either very foolish or else is practising outright deception. To be sure, almost everyone can improve himself by properly adapted exercises, and those with deficient diets may be helped by a pill. However, exercises which may be excellent for one man may be all wrong for another. It is most important that any formerly sedentary person embark upon a bodybuilding course with extreme caution, practising a week or more of light calisthentics before using any resistance methods such as weights, cables etc. Very light weights should first be used when barbell training is first begun, and when the heart begins to pound too heavily the exercise should be stopped immediately and deep breathing be practiced. If one has a doctor, he should be consulted frequently about the program, but if like the writer you prefer to get along without a doctor then the burden is on you to not overload the body and cause health breakdown. Each day's diet should be made up of Milk, Eggs, green and yellow vegetables (both cooked and uncooked), fruit, meat (or meat substitute containing the essential animo acids), Those wishing to gain weight will add to this basic diet lots of bread, cream, rich foods, moderate amounts of wholesome pastries. Those wishing to lose weight will eliminate the items mentioned in the last sentence, and will eat 1/2 pint of low calorie cottage cheese each day and substitute non-fat for whole milk. Under such a diet program, supplements and pills are entirely unnecessary and represent only a needless expense. You may never become Mr America but life will be much more exciting when you enjoy full health.


Artist Bob Perkins 1540 Bronson Hollywood 28, California is now at work on some pencil drawings of AMG's most famous models including Forrester Millard, Ed Fury, Bud Counts, Gene Meyer, Bob Schwartz and many others. He will offer the original drawings at a very modest price and has invited inquiries. He asks those desiring a prompt reply to please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

BARBELLS OR CALISTHENTICS---WHICH IS BEST. In one ad we read that barbells and apparatus are all the bunk--that our own bodies are all

we need for the resistance to build beautiful proportions. And in another ad we are told that barbells are the only way to achieve perfection. In each case they wish to sell us something and are less concerned for our welfare than for our money. The truth is that almost every truly welldeveloped physique model employs both in his training. Calisthentics including bend overs, free squats various stretches and rolls, are almost essential to the otherwise inactive person who wishes to maintain maximum suppleness and internal health--but they are never likely to put on very large muscles. Progressive barbell training is one of the easiest, most pleasant known methods of developing muscle size and power, but there are many exercises which should be performed without wts---where their presence prevents the proper execution of a movement of primary benefit when done freely and fluently without additional resistance. The writer often looks in wonderment at fellows who subject themselves to the most grueling and unpleasant "iron boot" and other leg resistant exercises, while they spurn such obvious leg developers as outdoor bicycling, hiking, dancing etc. By contrast consider how much simpler a man can do barbell curls and presses (where the weight of the bell can be progressiveThere is hardly a movement you can do either with ly added comensurate with his ability) than he can do difficult chins, pressups, dips etc. barbells or by calisthentics which will not prove of some benefit to you. It is important that you understand them all-realize there are many r other's means to the same end. Don't let training become a drudgery, but rather follow methods which are pleasant to you--experiment and alter advice to fit your own specific needs. If you're intelligent, you're the best judge for what is good for you.

One of the greatest advantages of calisthentics and free exercise of course is that it can be performed anytime almost anywhere whereas with barbells, their immediate inaccessiblity may prevent a desired work out. So it behooves everyone to have a set of such exercises as either part

of his regular routine, or at least as a "spare" to put into effect when he must miss other workouts. The Metropolitan Insurance Company will give you free of charge a booklet illustrating some excellent free exercizes to improve your health and increase your vitality. Page 15

JIMMY LEWIS of Birmingham Alabama, age 18, 512 waist 29.5, chest 40 relaxed, 42 exp 37 Favorite arm 12", Neck 16, Thighs 24. Jimmy first visited the

sports are

Page 15 one of him found in their catalog ZM13 pages 1,2,3, 30c.

the photographer was rather unimpressed because while he was far from fat his body was quite ordinary with no desirable definition. Jim was invited to use the model's private gym which he did, and no one paid any attention to him until o month later he announced he had to return to Birmingham to continue his college work when this and other pictures were done of him. The change that took place in sim w odd

all done on his own effort test pictures appears in AMG's